ProjectBotanicus InteracticusClientDisney Research PittsburghIndustryTechnology & Research

New modes of interaction between humans and living plants

The Challenge

Communicating the interaction possibilities enabled by a touch-sensitive capacitive sensor invented by Disney Research

The Result

A magical experience that was exhibited around the globe

Our Expertise
  • Ideation
  • Interaction Design
  • Data Analysis & Visualization
  • UX & UI Design

The Brief

Studio NAND's Jonas Loh co-invented a new kind of capacitive touch sensor at Disney Research that creates an electromagnetic field around an object and measures minute disturbances in this field.

Disney brought us to develop an experience that communicates the mesmerizing possibilities of interacting with the sensor for the SIGGRAPH emerging technologies exhibition in Los Angeles.

Our Approach

We envision a future where interactive devices are not manufactured but are living, growing organisms.
Dr. Ivan Poupyrev

An orchid hemmed by Botanicus’ visualization

We designed and developed a portable interactive experience that explores new modes of interaction between humans and living plants by instrumenting them with rich touch and gesture sensitivity. It allows for rich and expressive interaction with plants.

Depending on the physiology of each plant species, Botanicus Interacticus can allow a wide variety of gestures such as sliding fingers on the plant stem, detecting touch and grasp location, tracking proximity between the user and plant, and estimating the amount of touch contact.

The Exhibition

The installation was exhibited in Museums around the World, featuring

  • SIGGRAPH emerging technologies exhibition Los Angeles

  • Numa International Digital Media Festival, Finnlad



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